MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Monday, July 02, 2007

MacGourmet 2.1.4 Released; Widescreen Mode Teaser

MacGourmet 2.1.4, another maintenance release, is now available. While it includes some new ways to guard your data, the biggest change is a fix for a trickey-for-me-to-find bug where categories selected while editing multiple recipes, and while importing clippings were not always getting applied to the recipe or recipe selections.

For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet 2.1.4 can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page.

For those people who picked up an iPhone this weekend, this version of MacGourmet, while only a minor fix update, DOES include some support for viewing recipes, notes and, yes, shopping lists published to your .Mac account on the iPhone. I've made a new iPhone-specific theme for publishing, Camden iPhone and it's available on the Publishing page. To install it, just download the theme file, and double-click it [NOTE: Due to a small bug in 2.1.4, the new type for the theme wasn't added correctly. Instead of double-clicking the theme file, copy it to the Library > Application Support > MacGourmet > Templates > Publishing folder in your Home folder to install it instead]. Then, make a new web site, select "Camden iPhone" as your theme and publish to your .Mac account. If you want to check out sample recipes on your iPhone first, just point your iPhone browser to iPhone Sample Recipes for some samples.

Finally, another teaser of a new feature, the widescreen mode. This will be an optional display mode, in addition to the current, standard mode available now. This new feature also includes a new, condensed summary list view that includes photo thumbnails of your recipes for quick browsing. This new mode will be part of version 2.2, which I'm currently in the process of wrapping up development on now.



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