MacGourmet News

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Friday, June 29, 2007

MacGourmet iPhone Support is Coming...

As a teaser for those people who will be picking up iPhones today, or shortly thereafter, the next MacGourmet update (2.1.4, due hopefully at the beginning of July) will only be a minor fix update, but it will include some support for viewing recipes, notes and, yes, shopping lists published to your .Mac accounts on the iPhone. I've made a new iPhone-specific theme for publishing, and once I can test it on an actual iPhone, I'll make it available here.

Getting content on your phone should be easy, using the recipe and note publishing that is already part of MacGourmet (if you don't have .Mac, and want to try it, sign up though this link and Advenio gets a commission). You'll just need to download and add the iPhone theme (once available) that was designed specifically for viewing content on the iPhone screen, publish your selections to your .Mac account, and bookmark the pages in the iPhone web browser. Simple. The photo to the right gives you some idea of what things should look like, using an "iPhone emulator" named iPhoney.

This is just a start and a quick way to have some recipe and shopping list support for the iPhone, but I'll be looking at even more ways of supporting the iPhone, so stay tuned!


At 6/29/2007 4:03 PM, Blogger Joe's Blog said...

Funny one.. As you can tell RSS feeds for the iphone are just out of control :)
Did you pick yours up yet?

At 7/08/2007 12:39 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Awesome! Question—how'd you check things off?

At 7/08/2007 12:43 PM, Blogger Amy said...

scratch that - I must not have been hitting the green button at the right angle or something. now i've got check marks!

At 7/08/2007 1:14 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Yeah, it sometimes takes a second or two for the first press to register due to the image load and the speed of your network.

The next rev will make things a tad bigger, I think, so that should make things easier if the finger press isn't registering that first time too.

At 6/25/2008 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so where's that iphone recipe theme?

At 7/19/2008 9:49 AM, Blogger Michael P. Dulle said...

What about a real iPhone App? Anything in the works?

At 8/17/2008 5:58 PM, Blogger Saille said...

I am with Michael P. there going to be a way to have a usable iPhone App ... soon? If I HAVE to I might get a .mac account but I'd rather not.

At 8/17/2008 7:38 PM, Blogger Michael said...

In case you haven't seen it for some reason, the latest information has been posted here.

As mentioned, it's taking longer than planned. This is all new technology and Apple has their own bugs that we as developers are being forced to work around, among other things that are causing delays.


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