MacGourmet News

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Current Editors: What Do You Like? What Don't You Like?

I got really great feedback on the question about adding a the widescreen option, so I thought I'd toss another one out there:

What do you like about the current recipe editor? What don't you like? Do you like that it can be displayed as a sheet, or would you rather it be a normal window instead of a sheet or modal window?

There are a lot of good reasons to make it just a normal window, though you'd still be limited to one editor open at a time, just to guarantee data integrity, but would you miss the "Editor as Sheet" option, which is the default right now, if it went away?

(Oh, and in case you were wondering, a lot of people DO want the widescreen option, so look for it to be added in a future update)


At 4/25/2007 10:48 AM, Blogger blogdog said...

I use the "sheet" for the sheer convenience of it. I would like to be able to choose (as a Preference, maybe, or a View command) between using the sheet and using the window, since often I don't have the time or patience to set things up properly in the window mode.

Here's something I noticed that I was wondering about. When setting up a clipping in the editor, the Course drop-down has the following classifications: Appetizer, Cheese, Dessert, Fruit, Main, Salad, Side Dish, Side Dish (yes, twice), Snack,... then 24 Soups, 18 Sweets, and Vegetable. Am I the only one getting this?

At 4/25/2007 6:14 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Thanks for the comment.

"Am I the only one getting this?"

When you see something like this, please report it using Send Feedback in the app Help menu rather than post it here. There's email and a support discussion board, so I'd like to keep things on topic here. That said, there was a bug (now fixed) a while back that allowed multiple courses to be created on import. You should be able to clean them up in the Library Browser.

At 4/27/2007 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the sheet (and the ability to turn it off -- choices are good!), but there are times I'd like to be able to access other things (for reference, for instance) while editing. Perhaps I want to add a relationship while I remember to do so, for example. It would be nice to have those options.

At 5/08/2007 1:26 AM, Blogger Jason Holliston said...

Recently, I purchased an Apple TV, and absolutely love it. I was thinking what features I'd add if I was Apple TV's product manager (iCal viewing would be a godsend), and it occurred to me, how great would it be to be able to bring up recipes from MacGourmet on my big screen TV? Probably out there, but I know you guys are into integration, and this would be fantastic.

At 5/24/2007 1:10 PM, Blogger DawnsRecipes said...

I'd like to see MacGourmet calculate nutritional information based on the ingredients, just like Mastercook does.


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