MacGourmet News

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

MacGourmet 2.1.1 Now Available

MacGourmet 2.1.1, a maintenance release, is now available.

This release fixes a bunch of minor issues. For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

MacGourmet 2.1.1 can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page.

Additionally, a web import plugin for (paid registration required) is now available with a simple installer. Just download the plug-in installer, run it and press the Install button to put the plug-in into your MacGourmet Application Support plug-ins folder.


At 5/09/2007 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to try this. I've been a Cook's fan for years and year and I just stumbled upon MacGourmet today. This looks like just the solution I need to organize my menu planning and grocery shopping!

At 5/09/2007 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I installed the plug-in and went to the Cook's website and tried to import an article (which, not surprisingly, didn't work), a recipe (which didn't work), and the recipe in printer-friendly format (which also didn't work. Can you specify how to use the plugin?

I was trying via the "import recipe from web page" service...

I finally imported via text clipping but I had such high hopes....

Thanks - Jean

At 5/09/2007 11:51 AM, Blogger Michael said...

You have to be logged in, and you have to be on a recipe web page with a URL that starts with: "" or ""


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