MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Monday, February 02, 2009

About Those MacGourmet touch Sample Recipes...

I had a surprising (to me anyway) amount of interest in retaining the sample recipes that come with MacGourmet touch. I included them in the touch build for demo purposes, but I've received a lot of requests from people who wanted to keep them. Because of this, I'm making them available to everyone to load into MacGourmet, after which you can sync the ones you like to your phone in the current manner.

First, let me remind people of the free sample packs already available at They include a vegan recipe pack, ice cream recipes, and one of the packs used in the iPhone sample pack the "Pork: The Other White Meat" pack.

The other sample recipes are made up of selections from the following additional packs:

National Chicken Cooking Contest 2003
Winning chicken recipes from the 2003 National Chicken Cooking Contest. (51 recipes)

National Beef Cook-Off 2005
Winning beef recipes from the 2005 National Beef Cook-Off (20 recipes)

The rest already come with a copy of MacGourmet, so you should already have them. If not, they can be found as parts of the various packs available on the sample page.


At 5/31/2009 4:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

There are cookie recipes that come with the ipod touch application that are not in any of the recipe packs, including the Butter Crisps and Almond Thumbprint recipes. Do you know where I can find the pack with these recipes?

At 6/01/2009 8:42 AM, Blogger Michael said...

These recipes both come with the default MacGourmet recipe collection that can be installed the first time you run it.

At 6/03/2009 3:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

is there a way to get them if one, somehow, failed to install them?


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