MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

MacGourmet touch has been submitted to the App Store!

Just a quick update: MacGourmet touch is now in Apple's hands, and I'm awaiting App Store approval. Hopefully that won't take too long! Once it gets through that milestone, look for the release of that and MacGourmet 2.4, which will be required for syncing. Stay tuned!

NOTE: MacGourmet touch will require Mac OS X 10.5 or later, and MacGourmet 2.4 or MacGourmet Deluxe 1.1 for syncing.

[Updated 1/16] Apple rejected the first version, because I apparently didn't handle correctly the case where you don't have a network to connect to, which was a human interfaces guideline violation (yes they are that picky). I quickly made the change and resubmitted, so hopefully the wait won't be too much longer now.

[Updated 1/19] Apple rejected the app, again... The problem this time? No "login information provided" which should make users here scratch their heads... login information??? Why didn't they even ask for this LAST time? *sigh* Clearly different people with different agendas are doing the reviews, and this one didn't understand the product and what it's trying to accomplish. The loss of product release control is really extremely frustrating. But of course we'll have to wait ANOTHER 3 days for the next "problem".

[Updated 1/23] Apple rejected it again... Why this time? [Correction: The wrong version of the application was hastily uploaded to the server for them, but the 30 second fix was still met with a 6+ day turnaround]. Frustration reigns.

[Updated 1/28] Approved! Look for it in the App Store tomorrow or Friday!


At 1/14/2009 12:47 PM, Blogger A-Pow said...

So very very excited. The Beta rocked and I can't wait for the true program. Thanks Michael.

At 1/14/2009 2:19 PM, Blogger R said...

Hooray! The beta is fantastic; I can't wait for the full program. It is really awesome! Thanks for all your hard work!

At 1/14/2009 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huzzah!! I can't wait! I'm dying to create a shopping list and hit my fav grocery store!


At 1/14/2009 7:31 PM, Blogger Patisseriemonkey said...

Leopard or higher!! Duh!
$129 so I can use MacGourmet on my iPod??? Well on day then....

At 1/14/2009 9:13 PM, Blogger Michael said...

@Shovelmonkey: Yeah, unfortunately the sync code uses a library that is only available on Leopard and implementing around it would have required more time than I have.

At 1/15/2009 1:04 PM, Blogger Branden Russell said...

I'm so excited. Has price been mentioned?

At 1/15/2009 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the submission. Looking forward to hearing more about it. I'm eyeing this as a Valentine's Day gift for the Mrs.

At 1/15/2009 7:38 PM, Blogger Ariel said...

This is awesome news! I just finally got an iphone yesterday, so your timing is perfect. I'm really excited to try it out!

At 1/16/2009 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Beta was GREAT and saved me on Christmas day when i forgot the recipes that i had printed from MacGourmet - - - i remembered that i had the beta on my iTouch and saved the day!!!

At 1/17/2009 8:20 PM, Blogger Gideon said...

Very excited! Can't wait! Hope it isn't too pricey!

At 1/21/2009 3:47 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Can't wait for this!

At 1/22/2009 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you tell us the cost? Been waiting along time for this one!

At 1/22/2009 8:32 PM, Blogger Michael said...

While the release has been delayed (blame Apple) the pages are up on the site (prior to release): MacGourmet touch

As listed there, the price will be $4.99...

At 1/23/2009 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any idea how long Apple will take to approve the newest revision Michael? I've just brought the desktop app (brilliant) but really want to take some recipes away with me on my iPhone!

Keep up the stirling effort.

At 1/23/2009 7:53 AM, Blogger Michael said...

@Garry: No idea, as listed in the most recent update, Apple is being incredibly difficult, and not reading requirements when rejecting, so this is anyone's guess. It's been extremely frustrating, each rejection, for any reason, is taking 3 days, so it's also an incredibly slow process.

At 1/23/2009 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really dislike this approval system for the App Store - you're certainly not the first developer to feel frustrated. This is all very un-Apple-esque :-(

At 1/23/2009 10:40 AM, Blogger Ricky said...

This sounds incredibly frustrating! I'm planning to purchase MacGourmet Deluxe within the next week or so and just wanted to make sure that if I make the purchase now I'll be able to upgrade to 1.1 free of charge. Is this going to be a free update? Thanks!

At 1/23/2009 10:59 AM, Blogger Michael said...

@Ricky: There will never be upgrade charges for minor updates (i.e. 1.0 to 1.1) so yes, that will be a free update (as will MacGourmet 2.4, which is included in Deluxe 1.1).

At 1/24/2009 1:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very excited to hear about this! I'll definitely be buying this once it's appoved – I'll be keeping an eye on your blog to see how you're progressing with apple. Good luck.

At 1/25/2009 4:25 AM, Blogger Ariel said...

I have to chuckle and roll my eyes at this, having had many of my own bewildering experiences fighting for QA signoff (not with Apple, though). Thanks for your persistence! I know it'll be worth it.

At 1/25/2009 3:28 PM, Blogger Greg said...

A potentially great program like this gets delayed indefinitely, and meanwhile 10 million iFart clones and tip calculators are getting a pass. Ridiculous.

If it keeps getting held up, is there any chance you would open up the beta to new people in the meantime? I've been dying to have access to my MG database on my Touch.

At 1/26/2009 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there going to be a way to manage your iphone syncs? An example would be like this: Can we control loading the entire library of recipes, vs just ones we love and wine?

Like itunes playlists, can we just sync the app and beverages or will it have to sync the whole library?

Confused yet? Sorry!

At 1/26/2009 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How big of a database will it hold? All 9,000 of my recipes?

At 1/26/2009 9:48 AM, Blogger Michael said...

@anonymous 1 on 1/26: "Is there going to be a way to manage your iphone syncs"

The first version will allow you to sync your recipes, wine notes, cooking notes and shopping lists, but you won't have to sync each one every time. For instance, you'll be able to just sync updated shopping lists if you want.

@anonymous 2 on 1/26: "How big of a database will it hold? All 9,000 of my recipes?"

You have to remember that this is a companion app, and that the iPhone has far less available in the way of resources than your Mac. You might be able to sync that many recipes, but I wouldn't advise it, both because it will take a good deal of time to do the sync, and because with that much information, things are bound to be slow. The best usage is to prepare lists of recipes you know you want to use, and just sync those, rather than, say the other 8000 that you haven't tested or prepared, etc.

At 1/26/2009 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont give up Mike! We are counting on you!

At 1/27/2009 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there any chance on getting the beta app whilst waiting for apple to approve? I am desperate to get it on my iphone especially as I am on a special diet and have downloaded my recipies and plan onto MacGourmet deluxe and it would be so awesome to not have to go home and turn on mac all the time. Pleeeese!

At 1/28/2009 5:55 PM, Blogger R said...

YAY!!!! I'm so excited!!

At 1/28/2009 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Will in be available in the UK store or just the US one?

At 1/28/2009 9:44 PM, Blogger Michael said...

@Garry: Yes, it will be available in all English speaking regions, the UK included.

At 1/28/2009 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am hoping that includes Australia - have looked but not on yet! Hope its soon.

At 1/29/2009 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the approval! You will be getting a little bit from me!

At 1/29/2009 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you consider making it compatible with Tiger in the future? The user in my household runs MacGourmet on a computer that can't install Leopard.

At 1/29/2009 12:38 PM, Blogger Michael said...

@anonymous on 1/29: "Will you consider making it compatible with Tiger in the future?"

Unfortunately, I have considered it, in the beginning, and it found it too be too time intensive to re-implement what Apple provides in Leopard. Plus. I'm still hoping that Apple will add an easier way to transfer your information to the iPhone...

At 1/30/2009 12:40 AM, Blogger Michael McKisson said...

It is now in the App store. Just search Macgourmet.


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