MacGourmet News

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

MacGourmet touch: What's Next?

Now that the first version of MacGourmet touch is out, which covers basic syncing between MacGourmet and your iPhone/iPod touch, I know people want to know, "What's next?"

The next steps are obvious I think:

  • - Editing information on the phone and syncing changes between your iPhone and Mac

  • - Multiple lists of your items instead of just one for each type

  • - More robust on-device shopping list support

  • - Maybe some basic meal planning functionality

  • - Etc...

These are all at the forefront and are probably the most requested additions right now. I'm sure there will be others as I get more feedback from people.

I know that on-phone editing is important, but it's also the most complex thing to do, If I made everyone wait until that was done and 100% reliable (didn't screw up your MacGourmet data, etc.) the wait for ANY MacGourmet iPhone app would have been much longer than it already has been. Because of this, version 1 is picking the "low hanging fruit" and providing you with some basic functionality, rather than none at all. Honestly, if Apple can't seem to get syncing right, you know it's not easy (iSync still will screw up my data sometimes).

I recognize that there also needs to be more ways added to actually GET your information to your iPhone. Wi-Fi syncing is nice, but it's not the only way that should be offered as it doesn't always work. Large images right now are a problem (for reasons I haven't exactly figured out) and syncing over Wi-Fi can be slow. I do have some ideas about providing an additional way to get data on your phone, which will allow Mac OS X 10.4 users to sync as well...

MacGourmet touch is brand new and still very early in its development, targeted at a platform itself that is still new, and very early in its development. There's still work to be done, thanks for your patience while the app develops. I am listening to your suggestions so keep them coming!


At 2/01/2009 12:37 PM, Blogger TaterGuy said...

Thanks for your efforts on this Michael.

Since I spend far more time on my desktop version of MG refining it and taking it to the next level of functionality would be my preference. The MG Touch app is a great convenience but the biggest impact on what I want to do will no doubt happen with MG 3.0.


At 2/01/2009 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point, MacGourmet Touch serves me well and I look forward to seeing what's in its future. I do most of my work/planning on the Mac and then use the iPhone for reference while outside cooking. Thanks for the great iPhone app!

One thing (similar to syncing) I'd like to see is the ability to share/send a recipe to someone. Whether by email or iphone-to-iphone, mobile recipe trading would be very handy.

At 2/01/2009 8:09 PM, Blogger Ariel said...

I think the Touch app is a wonderful start and I'm just thrilled to have my recipes on my phone. The improvements I'd most like to see:

1) access to my Lists and Smart Lists

2) ability to email a recipe -- although does Apple even let 3rd-party iPhone apps generate an email like you can on a desktop computer?

3) searchable and/or clickable keywords/categories (I've noticed you can tap on the categories in an individual recipe and they highlight, but nothing happens)

The ability to edit recipes directly on the iPhone/iPod and having two-way syncing are not very important to me, personally.

What is the best way to send you feedback?

At 2/02/2009 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see the ability to add wine. Macgourmet wine section is actually quite good.

I didn't think iSync was still functional with the iPhone's fake push. Or is that it running in the backgound as mobile me syncing?

In anycase the app works great for it's basic functionality.

At 2/02/2009 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to be able to take a picture of a wine label and create a wine item in the list. There's been tons of times I wanted to remember a good wine. Taking a picture of the label and the ability to edit/add would be key.

At 2/02/2009 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the app - I would second the motion to have access to my lists - I use folders instead of category tags, and of course would love to be able to edit... e-mail isn't as crucial, or at least I don't think it is at the moment...

I have a question about sync-ing - sometimes my recipes sync perfectly - in the format I've used complete with skipped lines and paragraphs, sometimes not. Is this a bug? a sync problem? because I'm sync-ing so many recipes? Should I re-install?


At 2/05/2009 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put this in my App Store review also, but...

I'd also like to see an email capability. Otherwise there's no way to either share or print a recipe.

At 7/12/2009 4:35 PM, Blogger Galen said...

Multiple Stores in the shopping list would be super sweet.

At 10/17/2009 3:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are having syncing issues, try restarting your router, i.e mine is an Apple Time Capsule. After restarting it, syncing worked fine.


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