MacGourmet News

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

MacGourmet Deluxe/Mariner Q & A

With the press release officially announcing the partnership with Mariner Software to release MacGourmet Deluxe, I thought I'd post some basic questions and answers about what this really means to new, future, and existing MacGourmet users:

Q: What does this all mean, really?
A: MacGourmet Deluxe is an all new "bundle" that will make the current version of MacGourmet, packaged with all the features you can optionally add to it (like Nutrition, with a couple more in the pipeline), available in retail stores around the world. If you are a current MacGourmet user, nothing really changes for you, unless you want to upgrade to Deluxe (see below). Version 2.3 will be a free update, as will Nutrition 1.2, and you will still be able to buy MacGourmet for $24.95 and add Nutrition to it if you want to, just like you always have.

Q: Why did Advenio do this?
A: This partnership allows MacGourmet to be available in many ways it wasn't before, and it provides much needed help with the things that people have been waiting for, like a German and French version of MacGourmet. Among other things, this parnership also makes it possible to do things like show MacGourmet at Macworld.

Q: Does this mean someone else will be developing MacGourmet now?
A: Nope, MacGourmet will still be developed and updated in the same ways it always has. This partnership doesn't change the development of the product or ownership.

Q: Will the original version still be offered?
A: Yes, the "standard" version will still be available for sale for $24.95, just like it always has been. You can also add Nutrition to it, just as before, and you'll be able to add Mealplan to the standard version as well (more on this later). Nothing on that front changes. MacGourmet version 2.3 will also be a free upgrade.

Q: Will I have to upgrade to Deluxe just to get new features?
A: Nope, you don't have to upgrade unless you want everything in one package.

Q: When will it be released?
A: It is expected to be released on or around late May/early June.

Q: How much will MacGourmet Deluxe cost?
A: $49.95 - boxed for retail, $44.95 - download.

Q: Can I upgrade from the original version of MacGourmet?
A: Yes, if you want to, an upgrade to Deluxe will be available for sale for $9.95.

Q: How can I upgrade to MacGourmet Deluxe?
A: When the time comes, you will be able to purchase a new license from the Mariner web site using your existing MacGourmet serial #. You will then be issued a new MacGourmet Deluxe serial number.

Q: Is there a competitive upgrade?
A: Yes, an upgrade will be available from competing products for $29.95 (proof of purchase required).

Q: What will happen to the Advenio site?
A: For the most part, nothing. What this partnership does is allow MacGourmet to be available in retail stores around the world. It also gives us a great partner that will help make MacGourmet an even bigger success.


At 4/04/2008 12:18 PM, Blogger Glenn B. said...

I think this is what MacGourmet needs. When I looked for cooking software on the Mac in retail stores, nothing was available other then "TheRecipeManager" and it falls short in key areas, mainly user-defined nutritionals and IMO, is too clunky to use...and they don't offer a demo.

Bottom line looks to be that everything is the same other than additional distribution.


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