MacGourmet News

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

It's that Time Again: Looking for Beta Testers

The release of MacGourmet 2.3 is nearing, and I'm looking for "brave" people who are interested in giving the new version a go before the release is final.

Version 2.3 will be a free update, and will include a lot of "under the hood" changes. While the all-around changes in the new version are significant (significant enough to have an all new "recipe box" icon and new document icons), one really visible change is the all-new shopping list. It's now more flexible, and includes a simple "favorites" list that can be used as a pantry if desired. The favorites list will allow you to create predefined shopping list items, items that can dragged and dropped to your shopping list to quickly add commonly used items.

The new shopping list is also smarter. If you have shopping lists that have aisles, stores and categories filled in, or you've added items with these filled in to your favorites, these values will be automatically filled in for you when you create new shopping lists. If you're someone who uses shopping lists a lot, and have had problems with them or things you've wanted to see them do that they didn't, just send email to macgourmet [at] to be added as a tester in the next week or so.

Additionally there are a lot of little things that have been done to improve the product, changes I'll detail in a later post.


At 3/14/2008 4:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


What's the upgrade policy going from the current version to 2.3?

Can you elaborate on the cost and timing?



At 3/14/2008 6:06 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Current policy is that there is no additional cost for non-major version releases, which would include this version. Actually, so far, there has been no upgrade fees charged since MacGourmet was first released.

No release date has been set yet.

At 3/15/2008 11:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Michael!

Just purchased!




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