MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Breaking News: Advenio and Mariner Software Partner for MacGourmet Deluxe

Mariner Software "unofficially" broke the news today of a new publishing partnership between Mariner and Advenio for a new product to be known as MacGourmet Deluxe. More details will be released over the next few months, but you can read the news here: Announcing our new product!.

This is great news for MacGourmet, as it will open many new markets for the product, and will allow many things people have been asking for, like localizations, to move forward finally. Keep following MacGourmet News for the latest updates, as they are announced!

[Update: Just to clarify, for most of you this won't change much, as MacGourmet development will continue more or less how it always has, nothing changes on that front. The publishing partnership will, however, make MacGourmet available in retail outlets around the world. Note that this is not an acquisition or transfer of ownership of any kind.]

[Please note: I had to reject a couple of anonymous comments (something I don't normally do) because they were based on inaccurate assumptions. If you have any concerns, please feel free to email me and I'll clarify what I can.


At 3/26/2008 2:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I am confused and perplexed.

Are you getting ready to dump MacGourmet the way you did your crossword software?

Just after the nice on meal planning.

I guess times are tough for us all.


At 3/26/2008 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, for features like e.g. localizations (what would be great, of cause, but was announced to come with MacGourmet) we have to buy another app? Or will it be offered as a free upgrade to MacGourmet2-User?

At 3/26/2008 7:41 AM, Blogger Michael said...

@anonymous1: No, the product is not being "dumped" I'm not sure why you are reading this that way. This will be something new. Current MacGourmet development will continue as it always has, unchanged. (MacXword also wasn't "dumped" it was taken over by Daniel Jalkut at red-sweater after Stephan decided he needed to do something else.

@anonymous2: Things like localizations will never be charged for specifically, that's just a basic part of a product. What this will boil down to is new, outside help that will make the overall product better.

At 3/30/2008 2:59 PM, Blogger jenlicata said...

I have been test driving MacGourmet was actually on the brink of purchasing. Is MacGourmet "Deluxe" a whole different product, an upgrade of the existing, or basically a renaming for the new partnership? I guess my main concern is, should I wait and purchase the new version, or will I get most of the same features by purchasing now?


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