MacGourmet News

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Monday, January 10, 2005

Recipe of the Week: Brochette with Salmon and Avocado

Brochette with Salmon and Avocado"This is an easy, tasty starter for a dinner party or a good as a snack with a drink on a lazy afternoon." --


10 oz European-style smoked salmon*
1 loaf of ciabatta bread (or good Italian bread)
2 small red onions
2 ripe avocados
Small bunch of rucola lettuce
3-4 Tbsp lemon juice
2-3 oz (60-90 g) thin slices of Parmesan cheese


Cut the bread into medium slices and toast them in the oven (or a toaster); the slices should be quite crisp. Cut the red onion into thin slices. Cut the avocados in half, remove the seeds, and cut into long slices. Brush the avocadoes with lemon juice to prevent them from turning gray. Season with coarse sea salt and freshly grated black pepper. Garnish with the sliced Parmesan cheese and rucola lettuce.

*European smoked salmon is a moist salmon which resembles a texture of sliced ham.

(Serves 6)

MacGourmet downloadBrochette with Salmon and Avocado. To import, drag image to your MacGourmet recipe box.

Read the latest Recipe of the Week.


At 1/10/2005 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in my world a brochette is similar to a k-bob or skewered meat and vegetable is it possible that the author was thining of burchetta or custini (toasted bread with toppings)?

At 1/15/2005 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably Bruchetta


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