MacGourmet News

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Sunday, December 12, 2004

1 Tsp. of Prose, Recipes to Taste

In today's New York Times, they had a really interesting piece on some of the things that make cookbook writing worth reading, from a long time senior editor.

"Good recipe writing does not rely on clichéd terminology but creates a vocabulary of its own. We need visceral words that make us feel the texture of the dough in our hands before we "plop" (one of Julia's favorite expressions) it into a bowl. It is important to use the correct terms so we come to know what a batter is, a dough, a base, a roux, rather than calling everything a mixture. Now "slippery coated" means just what it says; you can almost taste the slippery, satiny finish that Irene Kuo intends."

Read the entire article here. (Free subscription required)


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