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Sunday, December 19, 2004

Recipe of the Week: Orange-Nut Cake

Orange-Nut Cake"This cake is a very solid cake, which should be served in very small or thin slices. This cake is a nice change from a fruit cake and a wonderful compliment to any holiday get-together." --


3 oranges (ca. 18 oz / 550 g)
6 ½ oz (200 g) chopped, blanched almond
3 ¼ oz (100 g) whole, blanched almonds
3 ¼ oz ((100 g) all-purpose flour
8 oz (240 g) sugar
2 tsp baking powder
3 ¼ oz (100 g) butter, melted
¼ Cup (½ dl) light rum

1 Cup (2 dl) powdered sugar
2 Tbsp light rum ¼ Cup (½ dl) light rum


Peel the oranges, removing as much of the white skin as possible. Cut the oranges into small pieces (you should have 13-¼ oz (400 g) oranges). Put the oranges through the blender at the highest speed for about 20 seconds. Mix the chopped almonds, whole almonds, flour, sugar, and baking powder in a bowl. Mix the melted butter, blended oranges, and rum and add to the flour mixture. Stir through.

Line a spring form pan (ca. 9 inches / 22 cm in diameter) with baking paper and pour the batter into the form. Place in the middle of the oven and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Mix the powdered sugar and light rum and spread over the cake. Place in the oven again for 10 minutes. Let the cake cool for at least two hours. You can leave the cake covered over night to cool. The cake will be very moist and soft. Serve with fresh slices of oranges and light sour cream or crème fraiche.

(Serves 12)

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Read the latest Recipe of the Week.


At 12/21/2004 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may just be making a fool of myself, but I couldn't find an oven setting in the Orange-Nut Cake recipe. The original recipe from lists it as 325°F (175C) in case anyone else had any problems finding the temperature on the Mac Gourmet's site.


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