MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Saturday, December 04, 2004

A Shameless Plug and a Request: Sign up for .Mac and Enjoy MacGourmet Publishing, Looking for Graphic Designer Help

Banner MacGourmet already features support for publishing your recipes, wine and cooking notes to a .Mac account, so that you can share them with others, and like recipes and notes here at, they can be imported by simply dragging them from web page into MacGourmet for OS X. Simple, easy. You can't, however, publish your own recipes and notes without a .Mac account, a WebDav server or website of some kind. If you've wanted to try publishing, there is probably no easier way than to use a .Mac account. Signing up for one through would actually help support the site, and new features in MacGourmet for OS X. Try .Mac today

And on the topic of new features for MacGourmet, I'm currently looking for a graphic designer to do a few templates for MacGourmet .Mac publishing (see it's not all a shameless plug). I've already tried contacting a few people who advertise "custom design" on their sites, but it's amazing how many people don't respond to their email. So now I'm also publicly soliciting custom design help. This will be paid work, with full credit for the work, etc. I'm looking for recipe and note templates that will fit in well with templates that are already offered by Apple. So if you, or anyone you know is interested, send email and design samples to macgourmet-feedback @


At 12/18/2004 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might contact the SmileOnMyMac team and see if their discLabel template designers would be interested...

At 1/07/2005 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I can help. Go to to see some samples. Thanks, David Bayless


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