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Monday, November 22, 2004

Recipe of the Week: Plaice Supreme

Plaice Supreme"This is good. This is really good. The unusual combination of mustard, onion, cheese and bacon are wonderful compliments to an excellent fish. Why not serve the fish with mashed potatoes?" --

(Michael's note: I didn't know what plaice was. Here is a definition I found: "Plaice is a popular fish with a good flavour and a fine texture. The white underside fillet can be bought separately and as the skin is very tender, it tends to melt into the flesh during the cooking and can therefore be eaten. Plaice is suitable for grilling, frying, goujons, rolling and stuffing, steaming and poaching.")


8 plaice fillets
2 Tbsp honey mustard
Lemon pepper
1 minced onion
5 oz (150 g) mild grated cheese
8 rashers of lean bacon

Accompaniment: Cubed fried potatoes and peas


Place the fish fillet on a rasher of bacon. Spread a thin coat of mustard on the fish fillet, season with salt and lemon pepper, 1 teaspoon minced onion and top with grated cheese. Roll up the fish fillet, patting the filling in on the sides. Secure with a tooth pick.

Lightly brush an oven-proof casserole dish and arrange the rolled up fish fillet in it. Bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes at 400° F (225° C). Place under the broiler the last 3-4 minutes to brown the bacon.

(Makes 4)

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