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Saturday, September 04, 2004

Recipe of the Week: Paella with Prawns

Paella with PrawnsThis is a relatively easy one-dish meal good any time of the year. A nice green salad goes well with this meal.

2 oz (60 g) butter
2 red bell (capsicum) peppers
4 spring onions,
3-4 rashers (slices) bacon
3 oz (90 g) peas, thawed
1 Cup (2 dl) risotto or arborio* rice
1 strand saffron
1 1/2 Cups (3 dl) vegetable stock (or chicken stock)
1 Tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp Thai fish sauce
3 oz (150 g) chicken breast
8 oz (ca 250 g) prawns
1 tsp coarse sea salt
Freshly ground pepper
Tbsp each, fresh oregano and parsley


Heat butter in a wok or large, heavy skillet. Wash and cut the bell (capsicum) peppers into cubes. Wash, trim and cut the spring onions into diagonal slices. Saute the chopped bell (capsicum) peppers, and spring onions for 1-2 minutes. Remove and set aside. Remove meat and skin from chicken breasts and slice meat into 2 inch (5 cm) pieces. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Saute the chicken breast and bacon pieces and brown lightly. Remove and set aside.

Add the rice and saffron and saute for 3-4 minutes. Add the vegetable or chicken stock and cook for 15 minutes or until the rice is cooked. Add the capsicum and spring onions, chicken breast and bacon, the thawed peas, oyster sauce, soy sauce, fish sauce, and prawns. Season with salt and pepper, add the fresh oregano and parsley, stir through and serve very hot.* Arborio rice or risotto rice are used in Italian dishes. It is not as dry or grainy as normal or parboiled rice.
(Serves 2)

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