MacGourmet News

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Thursday, September 23, 2004

A Couple of Interesting Wine Articles...

I came across these two interesting pieces in my reading today:

Talking wine: Rising expectations lift all wines

"Wine is an acquired taste that has a lot of potential. There's this natural progression of taste that moves only forward and upward. First come wine coolers in your 20s, then simple white wines in your 30s and full-bodied reds for the mortgage years.

It never goes in the opposite direction either, and I defy anyone to show me a wine lover who started out drinking big dense reds and evolved into passion-pink wine coolers."

On Wine: Okanagan vineyard hopes to uncork B.C.'s winemaking potential

"With its ideal growing conditions and stunning topography, British Columbia's Okanagan Valley has perhaps the greatest underutilized potential of any of the world's wine regions. Yet the wine industry there has been agonizingly slow to start producing and marketing fine wine.

Perhaps a new wine called Osoyoos Larose can lead the way. It's the joint venture of North American industry giant Vincor International and France's Groupe Taillan, proprietor of six respected Bordeaux chateaux including the Saint Julien second-growth Gruaud-Larose, which lent its name to the venture. (Shades of the Mondavi-Rothschild union that created the Napa Valley's Opus One)."

Great wine from Canada... Who knew?


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