MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

MacGourmet: What's Next?

So, now that version 2 is out, the obvious question is "what's next?" Here's what I can talk about right now:

Most of the work on the first maintenance update, 2.0.1 is done, and I'm just in the process of testing the changes now. This release will just resolve some problems that were missed in the beta.

While testing for version 2 was being completed, I was able to do most of the work for what will be version 2.1. This update I've dubbed "the import-export update" because it adds a new plug-in architecture for creating import and export formats. What does this mean? Well, while I plan to make the information on developing plug-ins available upon request, what this really means is that it's now a lot easier for me to add support for new file formats. Import support for formats like RecipeML and Yum. Export support for formats like plain text, RTF and yes, your iPod. There is also something else pretty cool planned for this release, but I'll hold off on detailing it, even though a lot of the code has been written for it already.

Nutrition: This is one of the most requested major features. Some work HAS already been done on this, and it's my next major task. I've been holding off on adding this because it needs to be integrated correctly. You could do a whole application JUST for nutrition, so it was just too much work to add as part of version 2. It would have meant waiting a lot longer for version 2 and all of the great changes in it and I really didn't want people to have to wait. Going forward my plan is to work on and release things in clearly defined "chunks." Nutrition will be one of these chunks.

Menu planning: Another popular request. I haven't been ignoring this, but like nutrition, a whole separate app could be done just for this. Adding this needs to be done right. What I don't want to do is over-implement for this feature. MacGourmet is about recipes and notes and what you can do with them. It's not a calendar application. Still, I want to make it easy to plan your dinner party, or meals for the upcoming week, and to generate a nice shopping list to take to the market with you. My own personal goal from this feature? To be able to plan at least a few meals a week that force me to cook, and utilize all of these great recipes I have. I want MacGourmet to encourage me to cook more, cook better, and learn, by unlocking my content. Shopping lists, I know, still need work, and there will be some changes coming before this, but expect them to be improved by these goals.

Two other chunks planned? Well I'll only mention the names I've given them: the sharing release, and the sync release. There are other things that I've started work and planning on too, but I can't really go into those until they are further along.

Finally, I've already put localizations of MacGourmet into various languages into motion, so those should start showing up too.

So as you can see, there is still a lot going on in the MacGourmet world!


At 1/18/2007 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome.
I like what I have and the added features will be welcome.

At 1/18/2007 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still learning all the features in MacGourmet, but I'd like to see a "pairing" feature. While this might be used most often to pair wines with recipes, you might pair recipes together as well, especially for dinners and parties. Just a thought.

At 1/19/2007 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice list of new things to come!

the one thing I miss is the mentioning of posting to a WordPress blog. I know you know that me and a few others are waiting for this, so I am trying to be patient, but I hope it's not too far down the list, but rather on the top!

At 1/19/2007 2:05 PM, Blogger Michael said...

WordPress support would fall into the "enhancements" category for the existing blogging feature. This post really only was covering totally new features, not enhancements.

Support for WordPress will be added, along with support for the new Blogger (which was taken out at the last minute because they more or less changed how everything worked), probably as part of version 2.1.

At 1/20/2007 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about using the plug-in architecture for the web-publishing feature as well? Would that be possible?

At 2/12/2007 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think MacGourmet is fabulous, and it would be even better if the recipes could also have a video clip feature (if it is on video!) such as on uktv food? They have video tutorials on some recipes and it is quite handy to see them in conjunction with the recipes so you have an idea of the stages of cooking and of course you can add your very own video clips?

At 2/17/2007 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

meal planner with iCal integration please!!!


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