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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Way to Upgrade to Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4) for Cheap

I know there are some of you out there who can't use the new version of MacGourmet because it requires Mac OS X 10.4 now. There does seem to be a place, however that is offering some pretty good deals on 10.4 upgrades and CDs depending on what you'd need to upgrade. The prices range from $39.95 to $99.95 depending on the package. So if you feel that now is the time to move to Tiger, check out (Note that I've never ordered from them, I just found their deals page using Google).


At 1/11/2007 10:28 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Speaking as a veteran of desktop software writing, I know the temptations of writing to the current OS release, but I still think it's a bad idea unless there's a compelling major feature dependency.

I will sadly look at upgrading to Tiger, I suppose, as I'm keen to try MG 2.0 and a few other things, and I do applaud the fact that this being a free upgrade, spending money on the OS is probably not that onerous. However, I can't help but feeling like Steve Jobs deserves the money a lot less than you do...


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