MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Friday, November 24, 2006

Fourth MacGourmet 2 Public Beta Now Available

The fourth public beta of MacGourmet 2 (v2.0.0 beta 11) is now available.

This is just a small update to fix some problems that cropped up in the last beta, namely not being able to use the delete toolbar button in the main lists and lists not saving your sort order and selection correctly.

When MacGourmet 2 is first run, it will create a new version of your existing database, so it doesn't modify your existing MacGourmet version 1 database if you have one.

Still, as when using any beta software, it's always a good idea to back up your existing information (usually the entire MacGourmet folder in the Library/Application Support folder in your home folder). If you find any problems, please choose Help > "Send Feedback" from within the application to send in a report so that they can be fixed.

Also note that while this build is a universal binary, it is a debug version, so it might be slower than the final version. The final release will, of course, be an optimized universal build.

The fourth beta can be downloaded here: MacGourmet 2 Public Beta

For a full list of changes since the last release, please see the MacGourmet Release Notes page.

Please see this previous post for more information on MacGourmet 2, including pricing, etc.


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