MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Sunday, December 04, 2005

See New Stuff First: Join the MacGourmet Beta Team!

There are a lot of changes being worked on for future versions of MacGourmet, some of which could be significant. I'm looking for a bunch of people to join a team that can be available to test things first, and give feedback on prototypes for potential changes. There are only a couple of requirements. The first is that members download, sign, and fax (866-830-9080) a simple one page NDA and not discuss future changes or prototypes publicly in any way. Not to be paranoid, but the recipe app field is surprisingly competitive. When MacGourmet was released, there were maybe two non-Filemaker recipe organizers for the Mac. Now there are, at last count, at least 12. Matching of features to be competitive will always be the norm, and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery of course, but I'd rather see imitation of new features show up after a release, not before, hence the requirement.

The second requirement is that members must be completely comfortable backing up and restoring their databases. As with any test software, problems can happen.

If you are interested in becoming a member, first join the discussion boards if you haven't already, and then use the "Send Feedback" menu item in the MacGourmet Help menu to send me your user name, and a request to join the team. Members will be added to a private beta team discussion board where new features can be discussed. Space is limited, so don't wait too long.


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