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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Recipe of the Week: Carrots and Zucchini

Carrots and Zucchini"This is an unusual combination of vegetables and quite simple. You can other vegetables of your choice, such as broccoli or cauliflower to change the flavor and colors." -


4 carrots
1 zucchini
2-3 Tbsp butter
1/3 Cup (2/3-¾ dl) chicken stock
½ lemon
1 Tbsp freshly chopped mint (¼ tsp dried mint)


Peel the carrots and cut in half lengthwise, then cut into thick slices. Trim the zucchini, cut in half lengthwise and cut into thick slices. Cut the lemon into very thin slices.

Heat the butter in a heavy skillet until lightly browned, saute the carrots for 2 minutes, add the zucchini and continue to saute 2 minutes. Add the chicken or vegetable stock and lemon slices and simmer until vegetables are done. Season with salt and pepper, add the freshly chopped mint, stir through and serve. Good with meatballs or fish.

(Serves 2)

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