MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

MacGourmet 2.0.1 Now Available

MacGourmet 2.0.1, a maintenance release, is now available.

This release fixes a bunch of minor issues. For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

MacGourmet 2.0.1 can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page.

Don't forget, until January 31st, if you buy a copy of MacGourmet, or one of the version 2 "upgrade" bundles, you'll be entered, along with anyone who purchased MacGourmet during the beta, into a drawing for one of two iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Editions. We'll be giving away both a 4GB and an 8GB model. Don't miss out!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

MacGourmet Themes: Changing the Way Your Recipe Box Looks

One thing about MacGourmet I don't think I point out enough is the ability to change the theme used to display your recipes and notes in your recipe box. MacGourmet has offered this from day one and in version 2 it's gotten enhanced to be more flexible. In fact, if you are handy with HTML and CSS, you can pretty much redefine the way all of the recipes and notes are shown, adding information or hiding it, and completely changing where elements are. You can also do the same thing for the .Mac and printing themes as well. It's made to be very flexible. There is even a Theme Dev Kit that helps those knowledgeable enough to create new HTML templates for their themes.

You can read all about MacGourmet display themes on the Themes page, and about publishing themes on the Publishing page. Both pages also have additional themes you can download. Installing new themes is as simple as double-clicking on a theme file in the Mac Finder.

(I've actually been toying with the idea of holding a theme creation contest, with prizes for the best entries in each category, etc. If it's something you'd be interested in, drop me a line.)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Don't Miss Your Chance to Win an iPod Nano!

Don't forget, until January 31st, if you buy a copy of MacGourmet, or one of the version 2 "upgrade" bundles, you'll be entered, along with anyone who purchased MacGourmet during the beta, into a drawing for one of two iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Editions. We'll be giving away both a 4GB and an 8GB model. Don't miss out!

MacGourmet: What's Next?

So, now that version 2 is out, the obvious question is "what's next?" Here's what I can talk about right now:

Most of the work on the first maintenance update, 2.0.1 is done, and I'm just in the process of testing the changes now. This release will just resolve some problems that were missed in the beta.

While testing for version 2 was being completed, I was able to do most of the work for what will be version 2.1. This update I've dubbed "the import-export update" because it adds a new plug-in architecture for creating import and export formats. What does this mean? Well, while I plan to make the information on developing plug-ins available upon request, what this really means is that it's now a lot easier for me to add support for new file formats. Import support for formats like RecipeML and Yum. Export support for formats like plain text, RTF and yes, your iPod. There is also something else pretty cool planned for this release, but I'll hold off on detailing it, even though a lot of the code has been written for it already.

Nutrition: This is one of the most requested major features. Some work HAS already been done on this, and it's my next major task. I've been holding off on adding this because it needs to be integrated correctly. You could do a whole application JUST for nutrition, so it was just too much work to add as part of version 2. It would have meant waiting a lot longer for version 2 and all of the great changes in it and I really didn't want people to have to wait. Going forward my plan is to work on and release things in clearly defined "chunks." Nutrition will be one of these chunks.

Menu planning: Another popular request. I haven't been ignoring this, but like nutrition, a whole separate app could be done just for this. Adding this needs to be done right. What I don't want to do is over-implement for this feature. MacGourmet is about recipes and notes and what you can do with them. It's not a calendar application. Still, I want to make it easy to plan your dinner party, or meals for the upcoming week, and to generate a nice shopping list to take to the market with you. My own personal goal from this feature? To be able to plan at least a few meals a week that force me to cook, and utilize all of these great recipes I have. I want MacGourmet to encourage me to cook more, cook better, and learn, by unlocking my content. Shopping lists, I know, still need work, and there will be some changes coming before this, but expect them to be improved by these goals.

Two other chunks planned? Well I'll only mention the names I've given them: the sharing release, and the sync release. There are other things that I've started work and planning on too, but I can't really go into those until they are further along.

Finally, I've already put localizations of MacGourmet into various languages into motion, so those should start showing up too.

So as you can see, there is still a lot going on in the MacGourmet world!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Free Vegan Recipe Bundle for MacGourmet 2

Vegalicious is doing a REALLY nice job producing recipes for MacGourmet. They just posted a recipe pack for MacGourmet users. It's a great pack if you're vegan, vegetarian, or interested in delving into that eating style, check it out!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Way to Upgrade to Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4) for Cheap

I know there are some of you out there who can't use the new version of MacGourmet because it requires Mac OS X 10.4 now. There does seem to be a place, however that is offering some pretty good deals on 10.4 upgrades and CDs depending on what you'd need to upgrade. The prices range from $39.95 to $99.95 depending on the package. So if you feel that now is the time to move to Tiger, check out (Note that I've never ordered from them, I just found their deals page using Google).

Monday, January 08, 2007

Announcing MacGourmet 2!

Advenio is pleased to announce the release and immediate availability of MacGourmet 2, the all new version of our application for organizing your recipes wine and cooking notes. Version 2, an all-new version of our popular Mac application that adds many new user-requested features, is a free upgrade for current registered MacGourmet users. Version 2 can be purchased online for only $24.95.

You can download the new version from the MacGourmet download page.

As mentioned above, MacGourmet 2 is a free upgrade for registered users. Just enter the serial number for version 1, if you haven't already (you should have received it in your order confirmation), and you should be all set.

Yes, some people will think I'm crazy. Some will think that a free upgrade is appropriate. I decided to make sure everyone moved to version 2 together, because it is the core on top of which a lot of cool new things will be added, and I'm hoping that new sales will make up for lack of additional revenue from upgrades.

I am, however going to try something a little different: "voluntary upgrade charges with extra goodies." Even though there is no required upgrade cost, I still have to eat and pay the rent and version 2 took many months to develop, so two ways that you, loyal MacGourmet users, will be able to help "pay the bills," so to speak (Mac software development is all I do now) and support indie Mac software development, if you so desire, will be to take advantage of one of the following special offers:

  • • Bonus recipe, display and .Mac template packs for a $10 "upgrade charge"

  • • All of the above and a really cool "Cook Without a Book" MacGourmet t-shirt (seen above) for a $15 "upgrade charge," AND a 25% off coupon you can give to a friend so that they can get their own cheaper copy of MacGourmet, or that you can save and use later...

So, for nothing, you will be able to just upgrade to the latest version (but please tell your friends about it), or if you want, for $10, you will be able to get the all-new version of MacGourmet and some extra stuff, or for $15 you will be able to get the all-new version of MacGourmet, the extra stuff AND a cool T shirt AND a discount coupon. (Please note that the above bundles do not include a copy of MacGourmet).

All of the details can be found on the Upgrade Package page.

And on top of all this, there will be 2 iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Editions given away, a 4GB and an 8GB model, in a drawing from new and upgrade sales too. If you purchased during the beta, you're already entered. If you purchase MacGourmet and/or an upgrade bundle between now and January 31st, you'll also be entered into the drawing.

MacGourmet 2 Requirements:
Mac OS X 10.4 or later
.Mac or WebDAV server for publishing

For help or comments: macgourmet [at]