Advenio is pleased to announce the release and immediate availability of
MacGourmet 2, the all new version of our application for organizing your recipes wine and cooking notes. Version 2, an all-new version of our popular Mac application that adds many new user-requested features, is a free upgrade for current registered MacGourmet users. Version 2 can be purchased online for only $24.95.
You can download the new version from the MacGourmet
download page.

As mentioned above,
MacGourmet 2 is a
free upgrade for registered users. Just enter the serial number for version 1, if you haven't already (you should have received it in your order confirmation), and you should be all set.
Yes, some people will think I'm crazy. Some will think that a free upgrade is appropriate. I decided to make sure everyone moved to version 2 together, because it is the core on top of which a lot of cool new things will be added, and I'm hoping that new sales will make up for lack of additional revenue from upgrades.
I am, however going to try something a little different: "voluntary upgrade charges with extra goodies." Even though there is no required upgrade cost, I still have to eat and pay the rent and version 2 took many months to develop, so two ways that you, loyal MacGourmet users, will be able to help "pay the bills," so to speak (Mac software development is all I do now) and support indie Mac software development, if you so desire, will be to take advantage of one of the following special offers:
- Bonus recipe, display and .Mac template packs for a $10 "upgrade charge"
- All of the above and a really cool "Cook Without a Book" MacGourmet t-shirt (seen above) for a $15 "upgrade charge," AND a 25% off coupon you can give to a friend so that they can get their own cheaper copy of MacGourmet, or that you can save and use later...
So, for nothing, you will be able to just upgrade to the latest version (but please tell your friends about it), or if you want, for $10, you will be able to get the all-new version of MacGourmet and some extra stuff, or for $15 you will be able to get the all-new version of MacGourmet, the extra stuff AND a cool T shirt AND a discount coupon. (Please note that the above bundles do not include a copy of MacGourmet).
All of the details can be found on the
Upgrade Package page.

And on top of all this, there will be 2
iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Editions given away, a 4GB and an 8GB model, in a drawing from new and upgrade sales too. If you purchased during the beta, you're already entered. If you purchase MacGourmet and/or an upgrade bundle between now and January 31st, you'll also be entered into the drawing.
MacGourmet 2 Requirements:Mac OS X 10.4 or later
.Mac or WebDAV server for publishing