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Sunday, August 08, 2004

Cajun Clark's Fortnight Recipe: Rhubarb Bread Pudding

Rhubarb Bread Pudding
<br />Nancy, Queen of the Rhubarb Patch, took Miz Amy's squash casserole recipe and adapted it so she could use her favorite veggie. She reports the results were a mouth-watering delight. Or, as she says, YUM YUM!!!

2 cups raw rhubarb cut in 1" pieces
1 red delicious apple FINELY diced
2 cups 1" cubes of bread slices

Put above ingredients in large mixing bowl.

1 stick butter or oleo
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sugar
1 package 8-ounce cream cheese
1 cup evaporated milk

Combine above 6 ingredients, beat with mixer, combine well. Fold into cubed ingredients. Mix well. Pour into a greased oblong, 2" deep metal or glass baking container.

Bake at 375 degrees F for about 40 minutes.

Note: Next time I will use shredded cheddar cheese in place of the cream cheese.

Caj's Note: If you can't find fresh rhubarb, take a look in the frozen food section at your super market; just don't looking at the general store where da ol' mon shops--you won't find it.

Copyright 2004, Cajun Clark. All rights reserved.

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