MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

MacGourmet Touch Beta Delayed Until After the Thanksgiving Holiday

First, thanks to all those who have offered to beta test so far, I'm still in the process of building the full beta list.

I had intended to start the beta at the beginning of this week, but Apple's "surprise" (at least to me) release of iPhone 2.2 has pushed that back, because I found some problems when testing with the new version and I wanted to take care of those before the first beta. I hope to have them resolved before too long, so stay tuned for the beta instructions email message, which should be coming soon...

MacGourmet Updated to 2.3.6, Deluxe to 1.0.5

MacGourmet 2.3.6, another free, minor update is now available.

This update fixes the web importers for and improves the importer. For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page. MacGourmet Deluxe can be downloaded from Mariner's download page as soon as it's ready.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

MacGourmet Deluxe Gets 4 out of 5 mice from MacUser

Check out this month's MacUser magazine for a 4 mouse review of MacGourmet Deluxe! They have this to say: "MacGourmet Deluxe is packed with features and is a real boon to amateur chefs. We'll be making a lot of use of it." You can read the full review online here.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Beta Test MacGourmet Touch

Yes, that time has FINALLY arrived! I'm looking for some brave souls to beta test the first version of MacGourmet for the iPhone/iPod touch: MacGourmet Touch.

What I need from people interested: Just your name and the id of your iPhone or iPod touch. The requirements are that you have a WiFi network, or WiFi-capable Mac, and are running Mac OS X 10.5 or later.

To get your phone id, sync your iPhone to your Mac, which will start up iTunes if it's not already running. Then, select your iPhone in iTunes and choose the Summary tab. Click directly on the "Serial number" label. This will toggle the display to show you the 40 character phone identifier. Without selecting anything, choose Edit > Copy and then paste the contents of the clip board into an email message (or just click this link to open a new email message), and send that off to macgourmet [at] with a subject of "MacGourmet iPhone Beta". The beta test should get underway soon. Thanks!

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Food & Wine Site Import Plug-in Updated

Just another quick note: the Food & Wine site importer has been updated to version 1.2. You can download the latest version from the web importer page.

This new version accommodates changes made in their latest site redesign.

Cook's Illustrated Site Import Plug-in Updated

Just a quick note: the Cook's Illustrated site importer has been updated to version 1.2. You can download the latest version from the web importer page.

This new version accommodates changes made in their latest site redesign.

For help or comments: macgourmet [at]