MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

In the Test Kitchen: Nutrition 1.1 Beta 4

Nutrition 1.1 beta 4 is now available from the Test Kitchen. It allows you to add your own nutritional items to the database, and it includes fixes for some calculation errors and a few other bugs. It also features an update to the latest data available from the USDA, SR20.

Updated documentation is still pending.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wishing all of our U.S. users and readers a happy Thanksgiving! May all of your holiday recipes turn out GREAT and hopefully MacGourmet made things easier for you!

New to the Test Kitchen: Shopping Plug-in

One of the ways I work on new ideas is to build prototypes that incorporate new ideas. Sometimes these prototypes actually turn into something. The Shopping Plug-in, which I'm posting to the Test Kitchen today, is an example of one that did.

Now before you say "Why is he working on this when MacGourmet still doesn't include [insert your most wanted feature here]?" projects like this plug-in help me to try new ideas, and keep things fresh, without disrupting normal MacGourmet development.

Some of the ideas in this plug-in you will probably see show up in MacGourmet at some point. Some of the ideas are just ones I wanted to play around with, like using the web service, and being able to search for cooking related things without all of the "noise" of the regular web site. One thing that's really nice about this plug-in is that you can easily see the stocked products that match your search (think "free shipping") one thing that I've always found sort of hard to do using the regular web site. If you want to shop this holiday season using this plug-in as a jumping off point, you'll be buying though the MacGourmet affiliate link, but making affiliate commissions is not why this was done.

I'm releasing this as something MacGourmet users can try out and play with, sort of a preview of upcoming things. If people like it, I'll continue to improve it from time to time, as new ideas are added to it, because it is, foremost, a testbed for new ideas, and a development project. Let me know what you think!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

MacGourmet 2.2.4 Now Available

MacGourmet 2.2.4, another free, minor update is now available.

This update fixes another Leopard compatibility issue in the recipe import assistant. It also changes the "Make Text Clipping" Services shortcut from command-shift-T to command-shift-M, to resolve the conflict with Safari 3.

For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet 2.2.4 can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page.


Monday, November 19, 2007

In the Test Kitchen: Nutrition 1.1 Beta 3

Nutrition 1.1 beta 3 is now available from the Test Kitchen. It allows you to add your own nutritional items to the database, and it includes fixes for some calculation errors and a few other bugs. It also features an update to the latest data available from the USDA, SR20.

Updated documentation is still pending.


New Web Site Importers Available

There are new web site importers available for, and I've actually had these done for some time now, and am finally making them available on the Website Import page. To install them, just download each archive, extract the plug-in packages and double-click on them.


Got a Question? The New Frequently Asked Questions Page May Have Your Answer

One part of supporting any product is answering the questions people have. Over time, you begin to see that the same questions are asked over and over again, and at some point it becomes a good idea to provide a place where the answers to all of these "common" questions can be found. New to the MacGourmet website and now meeting this need is the MacGourmet Frequently Asked Questions page.

Wondering what files you need to back up to protect your data, or where your database file is kept? The answers can be found there. How about importing recipes from PDF files or from Word documents? You can find those answers there too. There's lots of useful information on this page so it should be your first stop when looking for help. Of course, if your answer is not found there, still feel free to send email to support or post in the forums if you need help.


Friday, November 16, 2007

New to the Test Kitchen: Nutrition 1.1 Beta 1

Nutrition 1.1 beta 1 is now available from the Test Kitchen. It allows you to add your own nutritional items to the database, and it includes fixes for some calculation errors and a few other bugs. It also features an update to the latest data available from the USDA, SR20.

I've been doing a lot of testing so things should be pretty stable and correct at this point. Still, if you encounter any problems, please use Send Feedback in the MacGourmet Help menu to send a report. Include the recipe as well, as an attachment. Note you could see some nutritional value changes if you recalculate, both because of updated information from the USDA, and the fixes added (if you happened to have data that hit the problems). Updated documentation is still pending.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Test Kitchen is Open: MacGourmet 2.2.3a

I've opened a new area on, the MacGourmet Test Kitchen. The Test Kitchen is a place where you can find and try out new pre-release versions of MacGourmet, new plug-ins and other cool things.

First up is MacGourmet version 2.2.3a. This update addresses the disabled popup menu items in the import assistant when you are running Leopard.

I'll be posting things periodically to the test kitchen, and will post about them here, so check back often. Please remember though that anything on the test kitchen page you use at your own risk, so always backup your MacGourmetDatabase file before trying anything new.

Also note that the link for the Test Kitchen is at the bottom of the main MacGourmet download page right now.

[Update: MacGourmet 2.2.3a has been replaced by the 2.2.4 release version, and so is no longer available.]


Friday, November 09, 2007

MacGourmet 2.2.3 Now Available, Includes Leopard Fixes

MacGourmet 2.2.3, another free, minor update is now available.

This update fixes two Leopard compatibility issues when entering data in the ingredients table and the recipe import assistant. It also improves the performance of web publishing.

For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet 2.2.3 can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What's Cookin'? An Update

I know some people are interested in what's being worked on in MacGourmet-land, so I thought I'd post an update on the latest goings-on.

MacGourmet 2.2.3, which includes remedies for some Leopard issues, primarily entering data into the ingredient list and using the hot keys in the recipe import assistant, and a few other bug fixes, will be out soon, probably in a few days..

MacGourmet:Nutrition 1.1 will hopefully be out before too long as well. It will include the ability to add your own nutrition items to the database, and some calculation and other fixes. These changes are necessitating a lot of testing though, hence the delay. Version 1.1 will also use the latest database from the USDA, SR-20, and will feature a new, more standard look, with a customizable toolbar, as can be seen below. Once both of these are out, I'll be able to get down to the business of adding menu planning and a couple of other things.

For help or comments: macgourmet [at]