MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Version 2 Update: More Sneak Peeks

The new templates for publishing, display and printing have be finalized, so I thought I'd post a sneak peek at what's coming.

New Publishing Templates

First up are the new publishing templates. There are a bunch of colorful new styles to choose from. You can see three of the new ones below.

New Display Templates

The version 2 recipe box also sports a whole new look, one that extends to the templates used to display recipes and notes. Three of the new styles can be glimpsed below, to give you a sense of what's in store. These thumbnails only give you a taste of how great these new templates, done by Jordan Langille of OneToad Design, actually look when MacGourmet is running. Pretty cool.

Hopefully version 2 will enter a closed beta period before too long. I'm currently testing and fine tuning things, and not writing a lot of code, so things are getting close.

Still Looking for Localizers

One of the goals of version 2 was restructuring things so that it'd be easily localizable. With a lot of the version 2 completed, I can now put out a call for people who'd be interested in helping localize MacGourmet 2 for non-English-speaking countries.

What would you get for doing it? Free copies of MacGourmet, mention in the About box, and the undying gratitude of both me, and of all of those MacGourmet users and potential users whose first language is not English. If you are interested, just use the "Send Feedback" menu item in the MacGourmet "Help" menu to send an email message saying what language you'd be interested in doing. The list of languages currently unspoken for includes Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Korean, and Chinese.


At 7/31/2006 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you give us an email adress to write to? I can't figure out how to open that link with my email program.

At 7/31/2006 8:55 AM, Blogger Michael said...

The instructions are actually for how to make MacGourmet open an email message, but you can also use the contact email address at the bottom of this page too.


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