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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Recipe of the Week: Braised Swedes (Rutabagas) Natural

Braised Swedes Natural
Swedes, also known as kohlrabi in Europe (and rutabagas in the U.S. - ed.), are a root vegetable which is well suited in stews and soups, as well as pureed or served as a side dish. It’s a bit different, but good. Try it. --


1 lb Swedes, peeled
3 oz bacon (90 g)
Olive oil
2-3 cloves garlic
3 sprigs thyme
Lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Cut the Swedes in small cubes and cut the bacon in thin strips, across the grain. Fry the bacon, remove, pour off the bacon grease, add a little olive oil and braise the Swedes (add a little water if necessary), minced garlic, and thyme for about 20 minutes over medium heat.

The vegetables should be soft, but not mushy. Season the vegetables with a little lemon, honey, salt and pepper, add the bacon and stir through before serving. Good with beef or pork.

(Serves 4-6)

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