MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Friday, December 12, 2008

Food Network's 12 Days of Cookies 2008

Every year, maybe because I have this thing about collecting cookie recipes, I look forward to's 12 Days of Cookies leading up to Christmas. You can watch the video for and find out more about each of this year's cookies at the above link.

Sine I've already grabbed them, you can download all 12 already in MacGourmet format, below. You can also grab the cookies from last year.

Merry Christmas!

Food Network 12 Days of Cookies 2008
MacGourmet download

Food Network 12 Days of Cookies 2007
MacGourmet download

If you like these, consider signing up for their service. I've found that it's well worth handing over an email address.

(Note MacGourmet is not affiliated with Food Network in any way, I just really look forward to this every year and thought others here might like it as well.)

Monday, December 08, 2008

MacGourmet Touch Beta is Underway!

The beta for MacGourmet Touch is FINALLY under way. The first, small group of email messages went out today. Once I confirm that the basics are working, and that there aren't any problems, I'll send out information to the whole list, so keep a look out for yours!

[Note: If you don't receive one and you sent a request, it's probably because either you didn't get in under the limit Apple imposes on testing (100) or it's because you didn't provide the correct information that was requested in the initial beta post. Depending on how testing goes, the beta may be expanded as people are dropped to make room for new testers.]


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