MacGourmet News

MacGourmet news, recipes and announcements

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

MacGourmet 2.1.6 Now Available

MacGourmet 2.1.6, another maintenance release, is now available.

The main changes in this update are to the web site importer. They recently redesigned the site (again) and as will happen, broke the importer. There is also a minor fix for importing images as well.

For a full list of changes, please see the release notes.

As always, MacGourmet 2.1.6 can be downloaded from the MacGourmet download page.

Friday, August 17, 2007

MacGourmet 3rd Anniversary

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the release of MacGourmet. It's hard to believe that over 3 years ago, it was just an idea that I was toying around with. Now, it's how I earn a living. My thanks to everyone who has purchased MacGourmet over the years, and made developing Mac software such a fulfilling endeavor. Here's to many more years still to come!

As a way to celebrate the 3rd anniversary, MacGourmet will be available for only $14.95 tomorrow at macZot! (8/18/2007 one day only). If you have friends and family who might like MacGourmet, let them know about the sale!

To see just how far MacGourmet has come:

The About box says it's version 1, but really, this was just the first test version. Hard to believe this became the application available today.

When the first beta was finally released, MacGourmet looked something like this:

Finally, version 2.2, which is in testing right now, will still offer the same "Mail" 3-pane setup, but it will also allow you the option to make the interface look like this with the new widescreen option:

First Pan-Mass Challenge Software Auction is Up

Seth Dillingham is running software auctions again to raise money for his ride in the Pan-Mass Challenge. Like the last time he did this, I'm donating copies of both MacGourmet and SQLGrinder for the software bundles.

The first auction went live yesterday, and there will be 24 more, some of which will include both of my apps along with many, many other great Mac applications. If bidding is something you'd be interested in, check out Seth's auction page. It's a great cause, and all of the money raised will go right to the charity.

Thanks Seth!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Looking for MacGourmet Nutrition Testers

I've got nutrition pretty much hammered out now, and I'm looking for people who'd be interested in testing it. The only requirement is that nutrition be something that you've been waiting for and would actually use.

If interested in being on the list when I open the beta, just click on this link to open a new email message and send it in.


For help or comments: macgourmet [at]